Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Time just seems to fly by in a way it never did before Evie. Counting everything in months and tracking time with major milestones that occur at fairly regular intervals just makes time march faster than it used to. As every parent knows it seems like just yesterday you brought them home from the hospital and now they are not so little. My little girl is growing up before my eyes and does something new everyday it seems. A couple weeks ago she started resisting when I held her sideways in my arms, she wanted to be upright and lean her head on my shoulder. Now that is the only way she wants to cuddle. I always thought toddler would be closer to 2 years old but she is a baby no more. This new phase is exciting and challenging but always worth it. And my favorite part is when she is so excited to see me she runs into my open arms with a huge smile on her face and screeching with joy the whole way :)
She loves to color but still tries to eat the crayons