Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life Lessons

Today has been a good but hard day. God has been slowly showing me where I am at fault for frustrations in my life. Today was a realization of how I need to put effort into the important things and I need to have grace for others and myself. I have never been an eloquent speaker or writer. I often intend to say one thing and it comes out sounding like something else, often this something else is not as positive as the intended meaning. When my meaning is misconstrued I find I am judged or listened to differently and this has built barriers were there was not meant to be one. These barriers are so hard to take down but today I was able to at least crumble one and find insight on how to break down another.
I feel worn out today. Maybe it was the good cry and the healing of my soul but I feel like this might be a moving forward point. Maybe the tough things will get better. Maybe craziness of life and family won't be quite as complicated as it has been.