Friday, December 7, 2012

Trees in Sprout

Week 34

Some random facts from this pregnancy. First trimester I craved spicy food, I could not get enough of green chili, especially the kind at work and specifically over a breakfast burrito. Second trimester I craved chocolate and Milky Ways were my favorite. Third trimester has been marked by heartburn. Some days I eat enough tums to fill my daily quota for calcium. I am most thankful that I have not thrown up once (cross my fingers and knock on wood).  I am still able to work right now though I move much slower than I used to. I still have my ankles and have figured out how to position all my pillows so I can sleep most nights. 

I feel so blessed by all my friends and family who have spoiled us and baby girl with their generosity. We can't wait to meet this little one and see what she looks like and watch her little personality grow. She is getting so big that I feel every little movement. She often sticks out her entire back on my right side and my stomach looks completely lopsided. She has started to kick her foot out on the left side a lot too. Can't believe how fast the last 8 months have gone and how fast the next month will go.